పేజీ చిరునామాను కాపీ చేయండి ట్విట్టర్‌లో భాగస్వామ్యం చేయండి వాట్సాప్‌లో భాగస్వామ్యం చేయండి ఫేస్బుక్లో భాగస్వామ్యం చేయండి
గూగుల్ ప్లే లో పొందండి
ఉదాహరణలు, పర్యాయపదాలు మరియు వ్యతిరేక పదాలతో മലയാളം నిఘంటువు నుండి അനേകം అనే పదం యొక్క అర్థం.

അനേകം   നാമവിശേഷണം

అర్థం : ഒന്നിലും അധികം.

ఉదాహరణ : ഭാരതത്തില്‍ അനേകം ഭാഷകള്‍ സംസാരിച്ചു വരുന്നു.

పర్యాయపదాలు : അസംഖ്യം, പല, വിവിധ

ఇతర భాషల్లోకి అనువాదం :

एक से अधिक।

भारत में अनेक भाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं।
बहुभाषी होने के अनेक फायदे हैं।
अनेक, अनेकानेक, अनेग, एकाधिक, कई, कतिपय, बहुतेरे

(used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many.

Several letters came in the mail.
Several people were injured in the accident.

അനേകം   ക്രിയാവിശേഷണം

అర్థం : അളവ്‌ കൂടുതലുള്ള.

ఉదాహరణ : ഇന്ന് അവന്‍ ഒരുപാട്‌ ചിരിച്ചു.

పర్యాయపదాలు : അതിമാത്രം, അതിയായ, അതിരില്ലാത്ത, അത്യന്തം, അനല്‌പമായ, ഏറെ, ഒരുപാട്‌, കൂടുതല്‍, ധാരാളം, നാനാ, നിരവധി, നിറഞ്ഞ, നിസ്സീമമായ, പല, പെരുത്ത്‌, ബഹുലമായ, ഭീമമായ, വമ്പിച്ച, സമൃദ്ധമായ, സീമതീതമായ

ఇతర భాషల్లోకి అనువాదం :

To a very great degree or extent.

I feel a lot better.
We enjoyed ourselves very much.
She was very much interested.
This would help a great deal.
a good deal, a great deal, a lot, lots, much, very much