అర్థం : Make free from confusion or ambiguity. Make clear.
ఉదాహరణ :
Could you clarify these remarks?.
Clear up the question of who is at fault.
పర్యాయపదాలు : clear, clear up, crystalize, crystallise, crystallize, elucidate, enlighten, illuminate, shed light on, sort out, straighten out
అర్థం : Cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form.
ఉదాహరణ :
Crystallize minerals.
పర్యాయపదాలు : crystalize, crystallise, crystallize
అర్థం : Assume crystalline form. Become crystallized.
పర్యాయపదాలు : crystalize, crystallize, effloresce
అర్థం : Cause to take on a definite and clear shape.
ఉదాహరణ :
He tried to crystallize his thoughts.
పర్యాయపదాలు : crystalize, crystallise, crystallize
Crystalise meaning in Telugu.