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Meaning : An unbroken series of events.
Example : Had a streak of bad luck. Nicklaus had a run of birdies.
Synonyms : run
Meaning : A distinctive characteristic.
Example : He has a stubborn streak. A streak of wildness.
Meaning : A narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background.
Example : A green toad with small black stripes or bars. May the Stars and Stripes forever wave.
Synonyms : bar, stripe
Meaning : A sudden flash (as of lightning).
Meaning : Move quickly in a straight line.
Example : The plane streaked across the sky.
Meaning : Run naked in a public place.
Meaning : Mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained.
Synonyms : blotch, mottle
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Streak meaning in Telugu.