Meaning : All of your experiences that determine how things appear to you.
Example :
His world was shattered.
We live in different worlds.
For them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were.
Synonyms : world
Translation in other languages :
किसी की वे सब अनुभूतियाँ जो वस्तुओं के स्वरूप का निर्धारण करती हैं।
वह अपनी ही दुनिया में खोया रहता है।ആര്ക്കെങ്കിലും വസ്തുക്കളുടെ ആകൃതിയെക്കുറിച്ച് വിലയിരുത്താനുതകുന്ന തരത്തിലുള്ള ബോധം.
എല്ലാവര്ക്കും തന്റേതായ ലോകം ഉണ്ട്.Meaning : The state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be.
Example :
Businessmen have to face harsh realities.
Meaning : The quality possessed by something that is real.
The quality possessed by something that is unreal.
unrealityReality meaning in Telugu.