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Meaning of word awry from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

awry   adjective

Meaning : Turned or twisted toward one side.

Example : A...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry.
His wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff.

Synonyms : askew, cockeyed, lopsided, skew-whiff, wonky

Meaning : Not functioning properly.

Example : Something is amiss.
Has gone completely haywire.
Something is wrong with the engine.

Synonyms : amiss, haywire, wrong

awry   adverb

Meaning : Away from the correct or expected course.

Example : Something has gone awry in our plans.
Something went badly amiss in the preparations.

Synonyms : amiss

Meaning : Turned or twisted to one side.

Example : Rugs lying askew.
With his necktie twisted awry.

Synonyms : askew, skew-whiff

Awry meaning in Telugu.