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Meaning of word plurality from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

plurality   noun

Meaning : The state of being plural.

Example : To mark plurality, one language may add an extra syllable to the word whereas another may simply change the vowel in the existing final syllable.

Meaning : A large indefinite number.

Example : A battalion of ants.
A multitude of TV antennas.
A plurality of religions.

Synonyms : battalion, large number, multitude, pack

एक स्थान पर उपस्थित एक से अधिक मनुष्य, पशु आदि जो एक इकाई के रूप में माने जाएँ।

खेतों को पशुओं का समुदाय तहस-नहस कर रहा है।
अवली, खेढ़ा, गण, गुट, गुट्ट, ग्रुप, घटा, जंतु समूह, जन्तु समूह, जात, झँडूला, झुंड, झुण्ड, दल, निकर, निकुरंब, निकुरम्ब, पलटन, पल्टन, फ़ौज, फौज, बेड़ा, माल, यूथ, वृंद, वृन्द, संकुल, संघात, संभार, सङ्कुल, सङ्घात, समुदाय, समूह, सम्भार, स्कंध, स्कन्ध

పశువుల , మనుష్యుల గుంపు.

ఉత్సవానికి మాఊరి నుండి పెద్ద బృందము బయలుదేరెను.
గణము, దళము, పటాలము, బృందము, సముదాయము, సమూహము

Meaning : (in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving the greatest number (but less that half of the votes).

Synonyms : relative majority

Plurality meaning in Telugu.