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Meaning of word express from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

express   noun

Meaning : Mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system.

Synonyms : express mail

Meaning : Public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops.

Example : He caught the express to New York.

Synonyms : limited

तेज़ी से चलने वाली ट्रेन, बस आदि जैसे यातायात का ऐसा साधन जो कम जगहों पर रुकता है।

एक्सप्रेस की टिकिट नहीं मिल रही है।

Public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops.

The local seemed to take forever to get to New York.

Meaning : Rapid transport of goods.

Synonyms : expressage

express   adjective

Meaning : Not tacit or implied.

Example : Her express wish.

Meaning : Without unnecessary stops.

Example : An express train.
An express shipment.

express   adverb

Meaning : By express.

Example : Please send the letter express.

express   verb

Meaning : Give expression to.

Example : She showed her disappointment.

Synonyms : evince, show

जो किसी के ध्यान में न हो उसे बताकर उसके ध्यान में लाना।

मैंने उन्हें जतलाया कि मैं सब कुछ भूल गया हूँ।
जिलाधिकारी का घेरावकर किसानों ने अपना विरोध जताया।
जतलाना, जताना, जनाना


నేను అతనికి తలియజేశాను నేను అన్ని మరిచిపోయాను

Meaning : Articulate. Either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise.

Example : She expressed her anger.
He uttered a curse.

Synonyms : give tongue to, utter, verbalise, verbalize

Meaning : Serve as a means for expressing something.

Example : The painting of Mary carries motherly love.
His voice carried a lot of anger.

Synonyms : carry, convey

మనస్సులోని మాటలను బయట పెట్టుట.

అతను తన కవిత ద్వారా అభిప్రాయాలను వ్యక్తపరుస్తున్నాడు.
అభిప్రాయాలను వ్యక్తపరచు, భావాలను వ్యక్తపరచు

किसी माध्यम से अपना भाव प्रकट करना।

वह अपनी कविता के माध्यम से भावाभिव्यक्ति करता है।
अभिव्यंजना करना, भाव अभिव्यक्त करना, भावाभिव्यक्त करना, भावाभिव्यक्ति करना

Meaning : Indicate through a symbol, formula, etc..

Example : Can you express this distance in kilometers?.

Synonyms : state

ఏదైనా కొత్త విషయాన్ని చేరవేయడం

ఏంటి మీరు ఇన్ని రోజులు నగరం మధ్య దూరంగా వున్నారని ఎందుకు చెప్పలేదు.
చెప్పు, తెలియజేయు, సమాచారమివ్వు

* चिह्न, सूत्र आदि के माध्यम से बताना या जानकारी देना।

क्या आप इन दोनों शहरों के बीच की दूरी को किमी में बताएँगे।
बतलाना, बताना

Meaning : Manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait).

Example : Many of the laboratory animals express the trait.

Meaning : Obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action.

Example : Italians express coffee rather than filter it.

Synonyms : extract, press out

Meaning : Send by rapid transport or special messenger service.

Example : She expressed the letter to Florida.

Express meaning in Telugu.